Abilities Without Limits

082 895 3917
NPC Registration Number:  2019 / 398383 / 08
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Welcome to
Abilities Without Limits
“Be that stepping stone that creates the place and space for acceptance and inclusion”

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Shortly About Us
Defying the odds today Marthe – Marie Kohne is living proof that MIRACLES do happen as the Surgeon told her parents she had a 10% chance of surviving. Diagnosed with Hemiplegia Cerebral Palsy her disability has never stopped her from leading a very full and remarkable life.

Marthe-Marie's passion in life is to live life to full without looking back at regrets. She is a goal-oriented person who believes that setting goals promotes you much farther in life than just living from day-to-day. Every little challenge is a opportunity for her to learn and grow.

Our Vision:

Assist in creating accommodating space where kids and adults with Cerebral Palsy / Disabilities will have equal access to treatment and assistive devices, which will enable them to thrive & reach their full potential to the best of their ability.

Our Mission:
  • To educate, raise awareness and share our down falls / barriers and success stories as adults with Cerebral Palsy.
  • Creating a space for acceptance and inclusion.
  • To create a medical gateway (“go to”) for adults with Cerebral Palsy to go to, as provision for treatment is mainly made for kids with Cerebral Palsy and not as such for adults with Cerebral Palsy.

How you can make a difference:

  • Subscribe to our newsletter

  • Ask questions if you are not sure how to approach a person with a disability

  • Join our facebook page and be part of our Abilities Without Limits community/family. Share our page with your family and friends

  • Donate / Purchase products to assist us to make a difference in the lives of those with disabilities who requires much needed medical assistance, assistive devices, which in turn will enable them to live a better quality of life.

Click on the image below to read our Newsletter online!
The News Corner Volume 1
The News Corner Volume 2

Why Abilities Without Limits:

She decided to start up the NPC, Abilities Without Limits as she realized that there are a lot of people out there that don’t know much, especially about Cerebral Palsy, they are unsure how to communicate with disabled people. Since I started my Abilities Without Limits journey, I also realised that we can’t expect people to ask questions if they don’t know what to ask. Educating people and raising awareness are absolutely vital in order to help us all to bridge the gap to a more inclusive society.

Our Strategic Objectives

Focus on the importance of medical treatment for kids with Cerebral Palsy by breaking down the current barriers and bridge the current gaps through globally supported projects & programs.

Focus on the importance of treating people with Disabilities (Cerebral Palsy) with dignity and respect, through people in the CP community sharing their experiences and expertise.

Focus on the wellbeing of both kids and adults with Cerebral Palsy through people, especially in the CP medical field sharing their experiences and expertise.

Website Contact Form
Contact us below or visit our contact us page for more information

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